5 Science-Backed Weight Loss Tips I’ve Learned in the Last Month

Over the last month or so, I’ve been doing a lot of research for this blog and have come across some amazing science-backed weight loss tips that I’ve been collecting. I was thinking of doing a separate post about each one – and I still might – but for now I feel like they’re much too good to keep to myself.  So, you can probably expect me to expand on some – or all – of these in the future, but here is a list of great ones to help get you started. My Favorite 5 Science-Backed Weight Loss Tips from a Month of Research While researching, I probably came across hundreds of tips, but I’ve tried to keep the science-backed weight loss advice separate.  That way, at least I know it’s not just a matter of sounding right. It actually has some research to stand behind it. 1 – Read More

Do We Really Lose Weight Faster Than Women, Bro?

Do men really lose weight faster than women?  Does the sex we’re born with really make that much of a difference to the effectiveness of our dieting?  While some people – including my fiancée, Breeze – swear that there is a physical difference between us that makes it easier for me to drop a pound of fat than it would be for her, others think it’s all in our heads.

How Savoring Your Foods Could Help You Eat Less

I’ve been taking a new look at the importance of savoring your foods and have realize that this is an important priority when it comes to healthy eating. It’s not just a matter of enjoying the meal – which is definitely an important factor.  It also has a surprising impact on how much we eat.