Healthy Weight Loss Resources to Use (and Some to Avoid)

With the gestures broadly still underway, healthy weight loss resources outside the gym are in high demand. As a personal trainer, I get this. Would I prefer that people use their gym or come to my studio? If appropriate for their workout, of course I would. But things as they are, I completely understand why people are staying home. This has opened the opportunity to share some great information that is helpful regardless of whether or not you’re using the gym.

The Difference a Positive Weight Loss Mindset Makes

Your weight loss mindset is everything to achieving your goal and keeping it up over the long term.  For years.  For a lifetime, if that’s how long you want to keep it up.  It may seem like a physical thing, but it really is all in your mind, just like practically everything else. I know that sounds schmaltzy, cheesy, and worthy of an eye-roll, but it’s true.

Calorie Counting is Something, Not Everything, for Weight Loss

Calorie counting is a technique I firmly believe in to help effectively achieve weight loss.  There is a great deal to say in its favor.  Moreover, any of us who have strictly followed a diet that tracked every single food in this way knows that yes, weight is lost when using it.  However, that one measure is not the only factor worth considering when it comes to effective weight management, particularly over the long term.  We’ve all known this for a while, but now science is catching up to our instincts.

What is the Difference Between Cardio and a Fat Burning Heart Rate?

Many people are confused by the difference between a peak (maximum), cardio, and fat burning heart rate.  I’m not one to judge.  The names can be very misleading and seeing them on gym equipment or fitness tracker apps can make us think our goals are different from what they really are.